09 June 2006

Winchester June 2006

FW: Winchester June 2006
Originally uploaded by mattashford.


I went to Winchester last Friday.

As soon as I got there Adam made me go to the cricket nets for an hour and a half.

And then a couple of hours later made me go and play football and basket ball for another couple of hours.

Apparently he's on some sort of fitness drive.

Crazy Fool.

Anyway, after all this ridiculous over exertion, we went to the pub and had a few beers.

I'd have to say that Small Dog And Stuff turned up at some point, but I couldn't tell you exactly when.

But Hey.

It was a good night which seemed to end at about four on Saturday morning.

This Is Where All The Pictures Are Hiding.



02 June 2006

Matt The Jew's New Blog

Hey everybody, that impressively unresponsive, intelligent, wordsmith titled Matt The Jew, has just created himself a brand spanking new Blog. He is full of expectation and joy, and just can't wait to make his mark on the Blogging community.

He is full of fire and possibly brimstone and you will not believe the shit that he comes out with. Trust me he is one impressive mutha fricka.

His blog is available here.

So click away and be prepared to be annihilated by his wit and general devil may care and fuck you too attitude.

Don't say I didn't warn you.



P.S. He is also good at general grammar and punctuation as well.

01 June 2006

Sunday 28th May 2006

Sunday 28th May 2006
Originally uploaded by mattashford.



Toby, Imogen and Sarah's Party.

What can I say.

I had a good time, drank lots of beer, danced to 80's music, admired girls in fantastic 80's clothes, and surfed on a wheelie bin.

Pretty much all you could want from a party.

I wasn't the drunkest person there which is always a rare bonus.

Small Dog And Stuff were there for a few of us that night.

Enjoy the pictures, there aren't too many because my battery died, but nevermind eh?

They are here.

Floops Are Here.



P.S. No matter what you may or may not have heard Martyn Baddeley was in no way intoxicated. He did not fall into any bushes and in fact did not run full speed into any either. He was as sober as a sober man who went to Oxford to study soberness, stayed onto do his masters then lectured on the subject for a number of years before going to work at the UN as the head of soberness.


Saturday 27th May 2006


We couldn’t remember what we were going to do, so we ended up doing something else.

What that something else was is escaping me for the moment, so it almost definitely involved alcohol.

I’ll have to ask Jewisssss and get back to you.



Friday 26th May 2006


It went pretty much as I thought it would.

Went straight from work to the pub and drank five pints, and had a plate of muchly tasty mussels, then got a lift home to get ready for football.

Took me longer than usual to get ready, and then stumbled over to Paul B's house for a lift.

Had a pretty good game of football. We won, I had double vision for about twenty minutes before it refocused, and I scored four or five or six goals, I think.

Then Floop, Jewisssss, Si, Paul, Rob, Wesley/Hadley/Ledley, and I went back to the pub for a few more drinks.

I think I may have been a little tipsy by this point, but hey nevermind.

Then we all came back to mine to play a bit more poker.

T'was a good night for sure and I certainly saw Small Dog And Stuff there somewhere.



Friday 27th May 2006
Originally uploaded by mattashford.

Clicking the here will be for showing you the more pictures